Ecuador Tours

Ecuador gives a number of tour programs for tourists. Tourist promotions and information and facts are handled by the ministry of tourism. A valid passport is needed by everybody who desires to check out Ecuador. There are a selection of tours to Ecuador. The country presents scuba diving, whale watching, climbing, trekking, rafting, kayaking, and mountain biking. Tours are also supplied to the Galapagos Islands. Other Ecuador tours incorporate bird watching, water skiing, horse riding, fishing tours, jungle tours, and self adventure tours.

Ecuador gives a number of attractions to the tourists. Ecuador's tour possibilities incorporate visits to hot springs, national parks, museums, volcanoes, churches and beaches. Normally, 60-day or 90-day visa passes are issued to foreign nationals who intent to check out Ecuador. Although Ecuador is one of the smallest countries in South America, it is the most diverse. From Amazon rainforest to snow capped volcanoes, and tropical beaches to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador has a lot to supply.

The Galapagos Islands are a magnificent group of islands off the coast of Ecuador. The Islands are underwater volcanic formations. These islands are a paradise of exceptional flora and fauna. These gorgeous islands are house to penguins, sea lions, iguanas and hundreds of other exotic species. The Amazon jungle-rainforest contains more than 20 percent of earth's vascular plant species. 1 can discover about several cultures and lifestyles, and see how the neighborhood consumers use the rainforest's medicinal plants. One can also explore the varied wildlife, from the smallest of monkeys to the world's largest snake, the anaconda. The very best of Ecuador's tours include bird watching, and the country has 15 percent of all recognized bird species. Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is a cultural center and a World Heritage Website. The largest seaport is GuayaquĆ­l, which is also a gateway to attractive beaches. A wide selection of adventure tours ranging from cycling to white water rafting are also supplied.


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